Monday, 4 April 2011

Lecture 3 Design Ethics

Ethics are a rational study of human dilemmas based on human actions, these actions might be influenced by someones personal opinion, lifestyle or moral stance. I believe that morals are guides set out by society and in a way are codes of conduct. depending on a person's point of view any act could be thought to be immoral if that person's morals are in direct opposition of your own, a person can be a-moral if they sit in between morality and immorality.

As designers we are instruments of mass communication and have an a-moral approach to the majority of work placed before us. We can refuse to take a brief if the outcome clashes with our beliefs but most of the time designers have to make a living and give little thought to the impact of the designs.

Nazi War Posters
The person who designed the pro-nazi war posters most likely had a moral stance but probably had little choice and had to comply with whoever was in charge at the time. To the Jewish community any pro-nazi posters and the people designing them would be in direct conflict with their beliefs and way of life.

Uncle Sam Posters

The 1812 posters urge men to join the army regardless of colour religious background. It's unethical to take a person's life but in the interests of war all that is set aside, the designer of the uncle Sam poster doesn't really think about the impact his artwork will have by influencing people to go to war.

Six Feet Under Poster

This poster was published to promote the new series of Six Feet Under and appeared in Radio Times, Time Out, The Observer and the Times Magazine. The ad was eventually banned, the ad agency at the time responsible for the idea and production probably thought it was a good idea until it had a bad response from the audience. To a person viewing the ad who might of recently lost somebody close the ad could be seen as extremely offensive and also promotes death, the designer hasn't thought in depth about the impact it would have on its audience.

Its easy to design a piece without thinking about where it will end up or how well the audience will receive it, as a designer I have to make sure I know my audience and give more thought to whether what I am designing fits that purpose.

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